Lower Your Water Bill
Lower Your Water Bill
Upon review of your facility’s water bill, you will notice that you are charged a “sewer fee” that is based on the amount of incoming water supplied by your water provider. By default, the provider assumes that the amount of water sent down the drain to the sewer is the same as the amount of incoming water as measured by the water meter. Items like cooling towers, swimming pools, etc. this is not the case because much of the water supplied to these evaporates. Therefore, the water company is charging you a sewer fee for the water that evaporates.
For many buildings that have cooling towers, swimming pools or other equipment that evaporate water, the water provider will issue a credit for a portion of the sewer fee. This can be achieved by installing make-up water meters. Contact your local water provider for more information on the usage of make-up water meters.
Contact FMC for your building maintenance and janitorial needs: info@facilitiesmc.com | 888-432-2454